Measure of rice as a material in cosmetics has been recognized a long time ago. This popular, especially in the eastern part of Asia, plant is not only countless wealth of food values, but also an excellent ingredient for body care.
Especially valuable components of rice are unsaturated essential fatty acids (EFA), whose participation helps effectively fight the many diseases of the skin, including dandruff and combats signs of excessive flaking of the skin. Unsaturated essential fatty acids are also outstanding lubricant, which also stimulates the water balance in skin cells.
Moreover, rice has a particularly beneficial cleansing properties. Substances found in rice neutralize toxins, including heavy metal compounds and regenerate damaged by the significant influence of impurities, structure. The presence of nutrients, in turn, allows to strengthen the skin and with outstanding skills of diffusion, nourish also deeper layer.
Rice has a universal spectrum of influence. Its use for sensitive skin, mature and mixed. Have also been proven antioxidant properties of rice. This action prevents the appearance of signs of aging of the skin and helps keep it in excellent condition, giving it a beautiful, healthy look and natural vitality.